Cards cannot be selected after using a search item such as ultra ball or level ball Opponent avatar appears chopped and incomplete Loading times seem to take long for certain actions such as deck testing (it loads for an indefinite amount of time)
Additional Sorting Options
Add sorting options for cards by date collected, and/or another for cards redeemed by codes. It’s hard to find the cards I’ve gotten from codes without being able to have a spe
Practice NPC
I'd like to see a practice section in addition to casual and ranked. A place I can take my work in progress decks and play against an NPC so I'm not wasting anyone's time while I think and strategize. Give them a few basic decks to use.
Prize pack rewards
Why are the prize pack cards not stamped? Just won my local league tournament to be excited to receive stamped cards online to just get regular copies of the cards....
Gardevoir EX Psychic Embrace is Broken
Windows bug: Will not proceed past attaching energy. Clicking the done button does nothing. Have to close the app or concede. iOS bug: Cannot select any energy when using Mewtwo VSTAR Psy Purge after attaching energy via Psychic Embrace. Eventually timer runs out and only one energy is used. I'm sure are more like this as…
Game literally unplayable on PC Windows 10
So the game is still absolutely broken. It's unplayable on PC. Im runing Windows 10 with lots of RAM, strong GPU etc, good internet connection these are not an issue (as all other games work as they should except PTCGL). Using any card search item such as evolution incense or any pokeball like Nest or Ultra ball results in…
Match stops in beginning after I get 7 cards so what do I do? I had to concede
When match stops in beginning after I get 7 cards so what do I do? I tried clicking on everything, but nothing happens. Is it because of server problems? lag? I can't put pokemon on bench and I waited until the countdown in the beginning ended, but nothing changed. I had to concede. Was it because of something related to…
Game is Poorly Optimized for Mobile
PTCGL runs poorly on my iPhone 13. Any time I have attempted to play on mobile, my phone heats up tremendously and battery drops rapidly. It would be fair to claim that I could play maybe 10 games on a full battery before my phone is completely dead (and that's being generous). Playing a single game on my phone…
I played many times the same deck with giratina v, and suddenly, by using the attack in which I must choice 2 from 4 cards to send them to my hand I could not select some of them, with no reason. Also, then I played other deck, and the rival, with gardevoir, knock out my active pokemon, so I had to choice the new active…
Epilepsy Prevention Proposal
There’s a lot of flashing light and sudden fast moving elements to TCG Live. Such as the green spark when you collect prize cards and the pokémon type effects that accuses in the middle of the play aria when an new active Pokémon enters play, which is probably fine for the average player, but for someone with Epilepsy it…