Game literally unplayable on PC Windows 10

So the game is still absolutely broken. It's unplayable on PC. Im runing Windows 10 with lots of RAM, strong GPU etc, good internet connection these are not an issue (as all other games work as they should except PTCGL).
Using any card search item such as evolution incense or any pokeball like Nest or Ultra ball results in "no valid cards" screen with silhouette of the cards that are not clicable (despite top left corner showing there ARE valid cards. Same thing also happens with Ability or Supporter card searches.
Also most of the matches can't even start because when You draw a card, it gets stuck floating in the middle of the screen and nothing happens until you restart the game.
Now from my observations it happens whenever i tweak with the deck. For example if i put Switch Cart in the deck, it ALWAYS freezes and card is stuck floating and match won't even begin.
If i remove Switch Cart i can play the game, but search cards wont yield any results and will show i have no energy, no pokemons in the deck etc.
Funny enough pre-made decks i got as Tutorial rewards seem to work properly so i assume it is a case with some combination of cards that poses such issue on PC clients.
I have provided screenshots for both occurences and yes, it is possible to reproduce it 100% of the time so i have no idea why it has gone thru QA.