Radiant Greninja's Concealed Cards Bug
Ran into a bug where the menu to select the energy from your hand when using Concealed Cards was stuck and would not let me confirm. I had used the ability and then pressed the discard pile to look at what was in it before making my choice. Menu would not let me confirm and I was forced to concede.
Can't use search cards
When playing cards such as Nest ball, fog crystal and even ultra ball i can not search out any cards in my deck, i can't even see them
Unable to use Forest Seal Stone
I've had multiple games where I was unable to use Forest Seal Stone's ability. There was no Path To The Peak or active Klefki in play. Anyone else faced this issue?
Hisuian Samurott VStar Attack value lowered by Path?
I was playing today with Hisuian Samurott VStar and my opponent had path to the peak out. For some reason my attack (which should have been 220 due to damage being on the opponents active) only did 190. When I clicked on status conditions it said I couldn’t use my ability but the ability has no affect on the damage done by…
Blaine's Quiz Show unavailable
Supporter card Blaine's Quiz Show cannot be used in expanded mode.
Golurk V
so theres an issue with Golurk V were one of its attack doesn't work correctly. the attack is ( Rewind beam 180 - if your opponents active pokemon is an evolved pokemon, devolve it by putting the highest stage evolution back into your opponents hand. )
I went turn two vs a mew vmax deck with my lostbox deck, VIP would not let me grab my comfeys but let me grab any other card, Lost box NEEDS its comfeys to get going so this needs to be fixed.
Two Bugs
Radiant Alakazam: damage moved with Painful Spoons ability immediately disappears AFTER being moved Mismagius (64/195, Silver Tempest) Spiteful Magic ability broken. Not applying any damage counters. Thank you 🙂
New S&V decks not showing
I'm not seeing the new precon decks on my account. Can I have help in obtaining them?
Daily Quest didn't fill
Play 4 Pokémon V Did that, but it didn't even fill 1 of the 4