Gardevoir ex energy attachment bug
Hello, this is the third time i lost a ranked game when i had guaranteed victory on board because the game glitches out when i try to attach more energies to my pokemon. the game bugs out and doesn’t allow you to keep attaching energies nor does it let you stop attaching them, you’re stuck in a kind of limbo and are forced…
Data transfer and login
I played ptcgo before, I have pokemon trainer acc but I cannot login with same acc into pokemon tcg live (I know username and password, if I do not I could not login here). Tried to create a new acc with same username but it says that it exist already (no kidding, which means that it recognize my username and it has it in…
Galarian Articuno V Ability Not Working
Issue where Galarian Articuno V's ability cannot be used when there are 2 or 1 cards remaining in the deck and enough cards are in hand to meet the discard requirement. No negative status effects on card to lead me to think there's a reason it shouldn't be able to activate. Also cannot play Trekking Shoes or Professor…
Placing damage on a benched pkmn REPLACED damage already there
Hello, so I am playing with Kyogre CRZ 36 and Inteleon and every time one placed damage on an already-damaged pokemon on the bench, it replaced the damage that was already there. I managed to capture a video because it happened twice previously, this recording is of the third time that game! Exact sequence was: Kyogre…
After almost every game my avatar's glasses become fully tinted
Happens most of the time, not sure what triggers it, since occasionally it doesn't happen. After every match I go into the avatar screen and change it the level of tint I want, and it keeps changing back after most matches.
no recibí la recompensa del deck de miraidon ex
en el pase común no recibí el mazo de miraidon ex al registrarme el primer dia
Things aren't working
I can't drag damage counters to enemy's pokemon. A whole bunch of drag things aren't working on mobile.
occasionally some basic Pokemon unselectable with VIP pass / nest ball
One time using Battle VIP pass, I was unable to select Comfey but I could select any other basic Pokemon in the deck. Another time I played Nest Ball and was unable to select Cramorant, but could select any other basic Pokemon in the deck. These are the only two times this has happened to me in around 40 games so far.
Mew Deck damage bug
I have been playing recently and apparently mew takes less damage now for no reason. their was no negative status on my side nor any items stadiums or ability's in play to reduce but yet my attack's always glows red when attacking and fusion strike. I literally lose a game because I had ko but it was red for my damage so I…
Fleet Footed ability bugged the match
Raikou V, clicked the ability to draw a card, the card moved to the right and higlighted instead of drawing two cards, and there was no way to progress the game further. The move timer never appeared, I was forced to concede.