Timed out, no Victory?
Played with this guy who stalled for the whole timer, and yet I'm still stuck. I am forced to concede which does not help the player experience (since I just migrated from TCGO)
Ranked Ladder
When the ladder resets every 4 weeks or so it seems like it cuts your rank in half. Is this correct, because it seems that I just dropped back half the amount of points I accumulated. Thanks!
Extremely frequent silent disconnects make the game literally unplayable.
For the past few days I've found that I've been getting very frequent silent disconnects, especially after the recent update. It's gotten to the point where I can only complete maybe 1 in 8 games normally without having to concede because a silent disconnect occured. Additionally, in many but not all games I've had…
Pokemon ex evaluated as if they were Pokemon V
V guard energy reduces damage done by Pokemon ex as if they were Pokemon V Choice Belt deals 30 more damage to Pokemon ex as if they were Pokemon V
Adding more colors
Is it possible to add more colors to UI? Different colors for yes/no choices Highlight selected attack/choice or make it pop up like in the old tcg game
Game is super bugged after update
Cards that let you discard x amount of cards to get a pokemon or cards that just let you search for a pokemon in your deck without discarding are bugged. Always says there is no valid pokemon in deck but there are. In some games after every move the gameplay freezes for about 15-30 seconds, every time.... Billion dollar…
More bugs
My game declared I did 2 mulligans but the 2nd one was my actual hand with basic pokemons Starting a game I had no enough time to choose my active pokemon (like 1 second), game decided by me Using Comfey's ability the game only let me choose the card on the left side (this wasn't all the time but it happened) After my…
What should I receive upon redeeming deck codes?
Hello I recently started playing TCGLive and my wife and I have both tried redeeming decks via the QR code and have found strange results each time. The first codes we redeemed were the corviknight V and Zeraora V theme decks. This added the decks to our games, but it says all of the cards we didn't previously have are…
Timer runs out too fast
When I flip the coin to see who goes first, I only get 2 seconds to choose heads or tails. The timer starts before my opponent's turn ends. I don't have time to look at what's in my deck because there is always a 9 second timer.
Can't Log in on Andriod Phone anymore
Just started after the update I'm no longer able to log in on my phone, button just greys out and sits there no matter how long you wait. And if you hit it again is says your session timed out. Works fine on my computer still just my phone is having issues. Any ideas? Also tried a Force Stop and reinstall and still the…