Over heating/ Performance Issues
How is that im playing on an Iphone 14 Pro and my device still overheats to a temperature that’s uncomfortable to even touch . I can imagine a battery isnt supposed to get that hot. If someones device were to explode because of temperatures wouldn’t the app be liable for poor maintenance on this issue? How could all these…
Raihan bug?
Opponent played Raihan on turn after I knocked out one of their pokemon. They did not attach any basic energy card to their pokemon and yet, they were still able to search their deck for a card.
Using Ultra ball with 0 cards left in deck breaks the game
I played ultra ball when there were 0 cards left in my deck and it just stayed where the currently being played card goes without bringing up the prompt for discarding cards, it did however let me attempt to retreat my Charizard V, at which point it stayed in the space the currently being retreated card goes without…
Great Ball Won't Grab Pokemon
Playing Hisuian Zoroark VSTAR on ranked ladder, played a great ball. Played great ball, & despite a Zoroark V being in the top 7 cards of my deck, the game would not let me grab the Pokémon to put in my hand. (I had this same issue that I posted earlier with an ultra ball play, so I think the problem lies in Zoroark V)
gardevoir ex psychic embrace/ klara
something is broken with psychic embrace or with ko'd pokemon or klara or maybe all cards in discard or supporters that grab from discard my board stage at beginning of my turn is newly promoted greninja after my active SA gardevoir was ko'd. greninja active gardevoir ex and kirlia on bench. i play klara from hand to get…
Ultra Ball Won't Grab Pokemon
I was playing Zoroark VSTAR, first turn of my game against an active Mew V. I have & play an ultra ball, but it does not allow me to grab a Zoroark V. I can grab any other Pokémon in my deck, but I cannot grab the one Pokémon I needed.
Game state after latest update.
After completing the recent update I have experienced the following. 1, Multiple games timing out before the coin flip 2, Should a game get to the coin flip, each player's turn times out without allowing a card to be played. 3, If a card can be played it stalls times out then plays the effect or card I have attempted 10…
Game wouldn't allow me to play cards from my hand.
I was trying to play an evolution and a supporter in turn 6, but it would not allow me to play either from my hand. Prevented me from getting a knock out on opponents active pokemon.
Playing professor research froze my turn yet timer continued
Played prof research and it put the card in the middle of the field but didn't activate and kept me from playing anything till the time on my turn ran out and switched to my opponent the card stayed in the middle till my next turn when I activated another supporter it trashed the prof research and everything else worked…
Match Timer doesn’t take effect while Opponent is picking prize cards
Hello, tried a casual match today and my opponent may have had to step away. I figured he would be back soon. Ended up waiting out the timer on his side and nothing happened. The game was expecting him to choose a prize card. I ended up conceding as I didn’t want to continue waiting. Is this intended to be how the timer…