IOS version

There is a few problems I ran into:
1) The cards and imagine in general on the Ipad version is really low, i was almost see the pixels and I can barely see the user name of my opponent. I'm using ipad pro so it's not a equipment problem.
2) Does the game support landscape and portrait mode on default? I also play on windows and I know what is looks like for landscape, but on the ipad, sometimes it would rotate, most of the time it doesn't. Even when it rotates, there are two outcomes; having a stretched version of the portrait mode; landscape like how it would on pc.
3) Rotation on the game would get stuck. As I've mentioned above, the game can stretch the display image or change correctly, but it would also get stuck in landscape mode when i switched it to portrait, this is a more serious problem than 2) because some of the confirm buttons are outside of the screen area, making a restart a must but when you restart, you auto lose.
Plz fix, I love the game and playing on ipad or mobile is way more convenient. I want to see my cool cards in better definitions too.