"No valid card" when using an effect that search a card in the deck
Hello everyone. When I use a card that search for something into the deck (Nest Ball, Archeops effect, Forest Seal Stone,...) sometimes the game tells me there is no valid card in the deck even when there is. It happens even when using cards that can search any card like Forest Seal Stone. In this scenario, the game let me…
Electro Star on Magnezone VStar bypasses Manaphy
While playing against Magnezone VStar, I had a Manaphy with Wave Veil on my bench. Opponent brings Manaphy to active and proceeds to do Electro Star. However, Wave Veil should prevent this damage, as it is damage done by an attack. Wave veil does not specify location of Manaphy for ability to be valid, and nothing about…
Steel type sound affects still active when sound affects turned off
I have all sound affects and music turned off via the TCG Live app, however, when an opponent adds a steel type pokemon to their active location, I still get the sound affect playing.
Lost packs in PTCG Online after migration
I downloaded and tried out PTCGL a week ago so I could scan my Scarlet&Violet code cards and today I received an email saying I needed to open all packs or lose them on June 5th. I tried to login to the old game only to get the message that my account had been migrated. I had a ton of unopened packs and now I can't get to…
Lady malfunction effed me over
I was playing my Oceanic Accompaniment deck w/ Finneon and Dewgong as the main features. Vital to the deck performing is energy fetching to fill my hand. So I'm on my own turn 3 (turn 6 of the match) and I'm about to wreck this person's 280HP whatever-thingy-pokemon with one huge attack off my Dewgong, and I play Lady to…
Bug quand recherche dans la bibliothèque
Avec le deck à chaque fois que je dois faire une recherche dans mon deck , ou ici avec l'action de regarde les 4 premières cartes de mon deck, le jeu ne m'affiche rien et le jeu est bloqué.
ace specs objects disapered
Hi ! I know that full expanded is not for now, but the bw cards are seen in game. I wanted to check how much a ace specs would cost and see all the ace specs objects are gone. Only the tool are visible. I had a computer search but it seems gone. Thanks for fixing it
Gardevoir ex Cannot Accelerate to a Pokemon Retreived with Miriam
I know this is not a new bug, but I still wanted to share my instance of this happening with the dev team. Last turn of the game, I used Miriam to put Zacian V back into my deck and draw into it. I promote it to the active, but Gardevoir ex cannot accelerate to it: Hope this bug gets fixed soon, it's going to lose a lot of…
Basic Cards for Accessability Issues
Could an option be had for cards to not have full art or holographic shine to make it easier on the eye
Another bug
I can not take any action except restart the app. There are so many times that I can not do anything, no notification about if I win or not, when the opponent surrender.