Some testing with Gardevoir Ex's Bug

I have been Testing some theories i had with the recent bug with Gardevoir ex, this is what i have found so far.
- Gardevoir ex cannot attach to pokemon that were ko last turn and later recover from the discard pile.
- Gardevoir ex can attach to pokemon that were discarded from hand by something like refinement or ultra ball and later recover from the discard pile.
- Gardevoir ex can attach to pokemon that were discarded from field by something like Collapse stadium or Avery and later recover from the discard pile (even if the pokemon left the field with 20 or less hp).
- Gardevoir can attach to pokemon that were ko before and later recover from the discard pile any other turn except the immediate next one after it was ko.
To explain better the last point. If my opponent ko's my zacian V turn 4, i will not be able to attach energies to that specific zacian V with psychic embrace turn 5, and it will work as normal on my next turn (turn 7). it doesn't matter if i choose to use klara to recover my zacian V on turn 5 or 7, both cases i can attach to zacian V on turn 7.
Thank you for expanding on this bug! I was wondering what was making the game cause this problem, as I have encountered it twice now, and in at least one instance this had led me to lose the momentum I had built and I lost the game due to this issue. Let's hope Play! Pokemon fixes this bug ASAP.
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If you use collapse stadium to discard a pokemon with 20 or less HP, and you bench that exact card in the same turn it was discarded, the game will allow you to KO that pokemon with the damage from psychic embrace.
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This is really interesting, thank you for testing this out!
Wasn't their previously some issues with KO'd Pokémon in the discard pile being a bit buggy? I think I remember an issue with Raihan where you couldn't activate it with energy in the discard pile, which was attached to a Pokémon that had just been KO'd.
Also I vaguely remember something about Thorton not working properly for a Pokémon that was just KO'd.
Were there any other bugs relating to KO'd Pokémon/attachments in the discard pile not functioning properly?
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@faegesubsig it reminds me of the bug the game had a few months ago where pokemon ko'd by the effect of attacks with the effect "At the end of your opponent's next turn, the Defending Pokémon will be Knocked Out.", kept getting ko if the pokemon was put back on the bench with echoing horn.
I wonder if it is something similar to that.
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Okay I see. It seems like some values are getting messed up when a Pokémon is removed from play (KO'd or discarded) and aren't reset when it comes back out of the discard pile and put back into play.
Maybe you can't attach to the recovered Pokémon (Zacian V in your first post), because the game treats it as being knocked out and thinks you are going to KO it if you do (which isn't allowed by the Gardevoir ex ability).
Then if they are only fixing this based on each individual interaction (eg. fix based on how Raihan works, or being KO'd at end of next turn effect you mentioned) then the bug will keep on popping up in different scenarios when new cards and effects are added, or when other things are tweaked.