Incineroar’s “Secret Attack” move glitches with the new update
I don’t have any screenshots of this, but here are the steps to reproduce the scenario: 1: Evolve turn by turn Litten > Torracat > Incineroar 2: Attach a single fire-type energy card to one of the evolutions at any point during the evolution process 3: During your turn, make sure Incineroar is in the active spot and if…
How is the test deck feature supposed to work?
My issue is when trying to test a deck I have no choice which card I may play. If energy card is highlighted I have to play it and can’t choose to evolve my Pokémon (not first turn). Am I just to watch the AI testing my deck? How is this test feature supposed to work?
Incineroar Silver Tempest Secret Attack still non-functional
Incineroar, 032/195 Silver Tempest's Secret Attack is still non-functional on Pokemon Live. When prompted to use the attack, the turn simply ends, rather than allowing the user to choose an attack from the previous evolution as the card states. Please fix this.
Drawing first card freezes the game #Bug #Problem
I cannot play two days in row. It all ends with 1st round I am drawing card and that card stays in front, nothing else I can do. I am able to concede but I get black screen and I have to kill the app. Any developer cares or you are happy with this ... ?
[PTCGL] I collected a quest reward and all my gems disappeared.
I was carefully collecting gems and saving them up. I completed a quest so I clicked on it to receive the reward. I did and at the same time, all my gems disappeared. I quit. A game this buggy is unplayable. I'm just sorry I wasted so much time grinding for gems.
Can't select valid cards with "hyper ball", "Vip pass" etc...
I Can't select valid cards with "hyper ball", "Vip pass" etc... They just siimply don't show up. I tryed everything to fixe teh problem, repair, uninstall reinstall, erase cache etc... please ask your team to investigate about this recurrent problem. FIXE !!!!!
Economy is too harsh
Ive been playing this game everyday since March 31st and I still have not completed s/v base set! I log in, do the dailies every single day.. its so hard to complete sets and at the same time earn enough scrap to get complete sets of ex cards without buying code cards.. im a free to play player and thr fact that it costs…
Some cards migrated, others did not.
I copy and pasted my decks from PTCGO and after migrating my account and pasting in my favorite deck to create it and get started, I'm missing cards. Namely and most importantly my Mewtwo & Mew Tag team secret rare 242/236. Is this a glitch or what can I do on my end to get my cards?
Gardevoir ex won't attach to Basic Psychic Pokemon
six cards left in deck, put down a Zacian V in the same turn I evolved my Kirlia to a Gardevoir ex, the game would not allow me to attach basic psychic energies from my discard pile to the Zacian V, regardless if it was in the active or on the bench.
Migration problem
When I migrated my TCGO collection to TCGL, I didn't get any of my old cards. I know how to check my collection but they aren't there. I've lost over 2000 cards and I don't know if or how I can get them back