Lady malfunction effed me over

I was playing my Oceanic Accompaniment deck w/ Finneon and Dewgong as the main features. Vital to the deck performing is energy fetching to fill my hand. So I'm on my own turn 3 (turn 6 of the match) and I'm about to wreck this person's 280HP whatever-thingy-pokemon with one huge attack off my Dewgong, and I play Lady to get the turn started off. All I had to was grab 4 energy with her and 1 energy with an Item card and then plaster 7 energy onto Dewgong and smack for 280. Simple right? Except when I played Lady the game just sort of... sat there. It didn't freeze or crash. Lady was placed on the playmat and then everything just kind of sat around idly. The timer ran out on me while I was forced to wait while the game failed to display my Energy cards or let me do ANYTHING other than click on cards and view them. So my turn ends, and I rage-quit. Stuff like this makes me want to quit the game entirely but I know its just a beta... I'm just super irritated and need to know if anyone else has had issues playing Lady.