is anyone else having a bug with gardevoir ex?
when using the ability sometimes it will freeze the card hovering and won't allow energy to be placed I've lost 2 games to it already
Searching problems, and cards stuck to the screen (No Pokemon, ball, or any search in the game)
I have made this discussion like 3 or 4 times since the game came out globaly. I cannot use the search function when I clearly meet all the recquirements. This puts me in a really uncomfortable position, because I cannot play the game properly on PC. I have bought like 2 season passes, because I trusted the developers to…
Migrate cards
Iwas trying to put my old account with all my cards i selected the option for migrate,iwas looking for my cards but i couldnt find them.Can someone help me with that.
Timer is bug
My timer already starting even if my opponent is not done with his move
Bug in Regieleki Vmax attack, allows attack every turn.
My daughter was playing this morning against a yellow deck using Regieleki Vmax. The person attacked, and showed the RED down arrow to acknowledge that card could NOT attack on the next turn. She then used Boss orders to bring forward another Regieleki Vmax which she was able to kill. The opponent placed the Regieleki Vmax…
Cards not rendering
My opponent won't flip the coin to start the game, do I HAVE to concede?
My opponent has matched with me, and we're waiting for him to start the coin flip to decide who is going first, only he's not doing that. I don't REALLY want the loss on my account, I've been having a blast getting into playing and don't really see why I should be penalised for a game not played? Is there anything else I…
Enemy Pokémon taking less damage
I have been running a list with Radiant Gardevoir and have noticed either in play or not in play my enemy will get a bonus of taking less damage. This is a recent deck I started using but even double checking everything on the board, I can’t find a reason for them to take less damage. ex: attacking with Arceus Vstar doing…
Grey hair bug?
The avatar of every male opponent I battle had grey hair. I'm assuming not every single person has chosen grey hair. Also, while editing my own avatar, any change to my hair (including changing my hat), turns my hair grey. Probably a low priority, but thought it was worth mentioning.
Ranked/Casual searching for game endless spinning..
Tried resetting the game client a few times now and cant seem to find a single game in either ranked or casual Standard.