The sound psychic pokemon make in the field is really giving me a headache
I know i can turn the sounds of but it feels less interactive and immersive .. The kind of "brainwave music" that psychic pokemon emit is non stop and painful and really inducing a bad headdache.. If anyone could try listening to it for when a match goes in for 10 minutes tell me how it makes you feel. sometimes the…
The Loading...
Hello ,I just installed the app and it won't seem to load completely it only asked me for what language to use so after that I waited nearly one hour and nothing. Then I turned my computer off then I tried again it still didn't seem to work. How many times I tried the same thing kept on happening. Please help i really want…
Card got stuck while trying to retreat
Could not interact with card at all so I could not do anything. It would still pass to his turn after some time and I just ended up surrendering after it passed back to me.
Golurk V Rewind Beam Did Not Work
The opponent's pokemon did not devolve.
Raihan caused me to lose a turn
I started my turn. Evolved 2 mons. Played Raihan (got KO'd last turn) and for some reason it just froze. I could not do anything until it suddenly became my opponent's turn as if I had just passed. This potentially cost me a game.
why won't it let me into pokemon tcg live
every time i start up the game it never loads i havent even played yet FIX IT 😡 or tell me how to get in right ;-;
Energy Cards Dissapear - Energy Recycler
When bringing back from the discard pile a number of Energy Cards to the hand (4 to replicate). It seems that a bug ties them together when they are used with another ability, and they're all discarded. Conditions to replicate: 1) Bring 4 Water Energy back from the discard pile to the hand using Energy Recycler. 2) Use the…
something wrong when login
PC when i wanna login in to the game. i can't open the page to input my account and password. after 3~5s it will be back to the title and error code:10099. and the debug.log: Opening the pipe with CreateFileA() failed. Error: 2 is there anyone has some idea about to fix the bug?
Lost Thunder Shedinja Bug
When attaching shedinja from your bench to one of your Pokémon as a Pokémon tool card, any energy are meant to be discarded. However, the energy instead remain attached to shedinja. While shedinja is attached to another Pokémon, these energy are completely invisible, however, if the Pokémon shedinja is attached to is…
Where are all my old cards
So I started the new live version thinking all my cards will be migrated now its empty and all my cards are gone and I can't get into my old account