Insane amount of bugs, unplayable

Unable to play certain cards, every match is a hit or miss because the game can decide not to let you win. Here I was unable to use Oricorio's ability after my jirachi got knocked out. In the earlier match, I couldn't draw out a second fire energy with giant hearth and you can guess, I ended up being THAT ONE energy off the winning knockout.
So many other flaws in design like getting less xp when your opponent forfeits because it's weirdly tagged to how many prizes you take without a base winning xp. It also doesn't make sense that you still have to click on the prizes even after you get a winning knockout, people just end up forfeiting right before you draw your prizes so you get less xp. Even though that's a bit scummy I can't blame them too, I wouldn't want to sit and wait after the minutes of useless animations that show up mid match. Design flaws like the deck editor and the cosmetic bug that keeps giving you those horrible shaded glasses and many other that can't be mentioned. Here's a perfect example of the state of the game.