unable to post
seems I can't post. admins don't like being called out so I guess it looks like they are petty people and banning my posts. whats the matter pokemon, don't like being asked to improve the game?
More TCGO Themed Cosmetic Rewards for TCGO Beta and TCGO players
More Cosmetic Rewards for Pokemon TCGO Beta Players and Pokemon TGGO I am filing a feedback to urge Pokemon TCG Live Content Team to create special themes cosmetic deckbox, coins and avatar items in TCG Live for players who played TCGO Beta back in 2011 with TCGO Logo on the the cosmetic items as well TCGO (Not beta)
View All Bundles menu design request
I think the current "View All Bundles" screen in the shop is too small for desktop users. There's a lot of empty space. The current screen looks like this. I made a quick mock up of an alternate version of this screen, pictured below. I'd just like a menu that uses more of screen so users can see more options at a time.…
Path to the Peak and Forest Seal Stone
In the game, the V pokemon can still use the ability of Forest Seal Stone een with a path to the peak in play, that means is a issue in the game
Is it normal how people can have like 20 moves while I have 3?
Is this game full of abuse or am I just bad? May as well be honest, because so far it feels like some players know how to abuse like crazy.
Rival turn lasts for ever
I just played a match where my rival turn started at min 20 of his remaining time and never ended. I attach some pics
Incineroar surprise attack bug
Incineroar from silver tempest has an attack called surprise attack that allows you to use an attack from any of its previous evolutions for only 1 fire energy. Whenever I choose to use this attack, instead of giving me options of which attack to use, my turn automatically ends instead. This bug existed for a couple…
Spidops EX bug
In a recent match against Mew VMAX (who has no retreat cost), Spidops should have dealt an extra 30 damage on his attack due to his ability which adds an extra energy to his opponent’s retreat cost. This normally works, yet for some reason didn’t against Mew VMAX, dealing thirty less damage than normal (the only effect…
*bug* Couldn't Boss Cramorant
Bug I was playing against a lost box deck and the game wouldn't let me pick cramorant from their bench when I bossed. The game let me pick the other cards, just not cramorant.
Pokemon TCG Live Bugs for PC
[Edited by Mod_Champeon: Only official Pokémon URLs are allowed on the forum] Here is the video proof about the timer issue, especially in video 0:45sec, Start my turn and the animation haven't finish yet, but the timer is counting. At the end only left 3 or 5sec to do our action. Sometimes missed few turn because time…