Redeemed credits for a card but didn't get the card.
I was building a deck and tried redeeming credits for 4 copies of Lost City. However, upon doing so the game ate my credits and didn't provide the copies of the card. Has anyone else had this issue?
My turn pass in 2 secs or less automatically
Hi! I'm trying to play the game but everytime I play online (competitive or casual) my turn is skipped. Sometimes appears a 2 seconds countdown, sometimes it just pass, I can't do or choose anything. I tried to put a card in that 2 second slot time but it doesn't work either. I record a video of one of the moments.…
End Turn Bug
In my latest match I had the following 2 seemingly related issues. Firstly in my fourth turn, when I wanted to end my turn but I couldn't click the button for it. Whereever I tried to click the icon I clicked beneath it as it were not my turn and I triggered the hexagonal animation for clicking on the battlefield. 2 turns…
Unable to do anything at beginning of/during match (PC - Windows)
So I migrated from PTCGO to Live today. Built a Standard deck around Metagross VMax, and started looking for matches. From the five matches I started, the game got stuck at the beginning of the match three times (when drawing your opening hand; see image), one time it got stuck when I draw the Poké Ball item card,…
Bibarel ability bug?
Just started playing Live after migrating from Online, just had my first match against another player and I couldn't seem to use my Bibarel ability to draw cards until I had 5 in hand. Tried clicking on it loads, both while he was my active and benched Pokemon, nothing happened. Any news on this? Are abilities in general…
Energy count BUG concerning Mewtwo VSTAR
I had three psychic energies attached to Mewtwo VSTAR but only allowed to blast two for its first attack. Those energies were attached with the ability of Gardevoir EX and there was a huge lag while making one of the attachment. Not sure what really happened, but lost the game because of that.
Espeon vmax ability not working
Iff my pokemon have energy attached even iff espeon vmax is not the active pokemon are they are safe from sableye's counter damage attack ?? If yess then espeon vmax card is bugged andnot working anymore
Game stuck at match up multiple times!!
Cannot do anything except for ending game! Lost 100 exp due to this !
Gardevoir EX's ability not responding.
I ended up having to concede a match because after placing two energy cards on my benched Pokemon, I couldn't do more despite having enough cards to continue and having psychic-type Pokemon to put them on, even when I said I was done with my action, the screen continued to hold on the same action and would only let me drag…
LITLERLLY almost all my decks I can't even do now because it only has the last 3 expansions. this is horrible!!! what is even the point of playing now?! all the stuff we worked so hard for is just gone....absolute garbage dude -10 stars