First game of the day and lost to a bug
Hi. Game one. Freshly loaded and I take a loss as the game freezes up on the very first card. SAD. played a capturing aroma. Wouldn’t even flip the coin. Sat there for six minutes or something. No joy
I lost my foil basic energy when I migrate data
Hello, I migrate my account from PTCGOL to PTCGLIVE. But my foil basic energy from champion path are dismiss. Can anyone help me?
Timer Countdown on Windows
TCG Live is almost unplayable on Windows. Any game I start (both ranked and casual) has the same issue: as soon as my turn begins, the countdown appears and I have less than 5 seconds to make a move. It's so frustrating. I noticed that this issue does not happen when I play from my phone, but on pc is just unplayable. I'm…
game stuck after using Gardevoir-ex ability
As described in the title, pressing "done" button doesn't proceed the game
The sound psychic pokemon make in the field is really giving me a headache
I know i can turn the sounds of but it feels less interactive and immersive .. The kind of "brainwave music" that psychic pokemon emit is non stop and painful and really inducing a bad headdache.. If anyone could try listening to it for when a match goes in for 10 minutes tell me how it makes you feel. sometimes the…
The Loading...
Hello ,I just installed the app and it won't seem to load completely it only asked me for what language to use so after that I waited nearly one hour and nothing. Then I turned my computer off then I tried again it still didn't seem to work. How many times I tried the same thing kept on happening. Please help i really want…
Card got stuck while trying to retreat
Could not interact with card at all so I could not do anything. It would still pass to his turn after some time and I just ended up surrendering after it passed back to me.
Golurk V Rewind Beam Did Not Work
The opponent's pokemon did not devolve.
Raihan caused me to lose a turn
I started my turn. Evolved 2 mons. Played Raihan (got KO'd last turn) and for some reason it just froze. I could not do anything until it suddenly became my opponent's turn as if I had just passed. This potentially cost me a game.
why won't it let me into pokemon tcg live
every time i start up the game it never loads i havent even played yet FIX IT 😡 or tell me how to get in right ;-;