I am interested if the community prefers TCGO to TGCL.
So tired of the bugs... Just played a luxray and attached a reversal energy, after that the whole game freeze and I can't do a thing but to do nothing and wait for my turn to finished and costed me a game. Gardevoir Deck btw
Packs redeemed on website not showing up in game
I redeemed quite a few packs (Using the website, rather than ingame) but they were never received ingame, instead whenever I log in now I get the popup window you would expect after redeeming codes, but its blank and nothings been added to my collection either... I tried redeeming 1 code after ingame and that worked…
Bibarel Ability Glitch/Freezes Game
I am currently playing a match against a lost zone box deck in which I am in a comfortable position to win. I just used Bibarel's ability "Industrious Incisors" and the game instantly froze/glitched out. I am now unable to take any further action, and the Bibarel card is just floating in mid air. All timers, prize…
Temple of Sinnoh Bug
There been many times when I play Temple of Sinnoh then everything gets frozen and a few seconds later my turns ends automatically.
Deck list export STILL does not work
The totals for Pokemon, Trainer, and Energy are wrong. This has been a bug for so long, and you can't just fix basic math? Please, for supporting local play we need deck list exports to be correct. For local tournaments players bring printed deck lists, and we know immediately when they come from PTCGL because the totals…
Supporter / item cards and abilities not allowing to select a card
Supporter / item cards and abilities allowing you to draw certain cards from deck show as greyed out and are un-selectable. The filter shows how many cards are valid, but the error still reads ‘no valid cards’. This issue rarely fixes itself during the game. The error occurs about 80% of my matches. The same error does not…
Loaded multiple matches
Game loaded up one match. While waiting for coinflip it reverted me to homescreen then booted up another match straight away and then froze on matchup screen
it is giving error in updating the patch how do I solve it?
Basic Gameplay Errors
I have run into an issue where I am adding a card to my hand from effects of Arven, Ultra ball, and similar cards. I find that valid card targets will appear but not allow me to add them into my hand while playing on the windows version of the game. This has cost me several games where I was unable to add certain combo…