Card Library
In my humble opinion, one of the best features of the previous game client was the card library. There was an enhanced value to these digital cards that isn't quite captured in this new experience. I would love to have a system where we can view our selection of cards without having to edit a deck for access!
Stop doing maintenance
Everytime you guys do maintenance you seemingly fix nothing and bring back bugs that had disappeared for the most part. Vip pass back to being unusable and can't select anything off flower selecting or colress. Losing rank because of the incompetence. Hopeless.
Give Up ruins the fun
Hello, lately I have the feeling that every second game I‘m about to win the enemy gives up. I don’t mean the ones who give up because of bad luck or a destroyed set up phase. I mean the ones who see that I will win in my current turn und right on the moment I want to click my attack they give up. It’s really frustrating…
Penny glitch
I've been running into a problem where my opponent plays the supporter card Penny and then lets the game timer run out without selecting a pokemon to target with the card's effect. This has happened twice against the same opponent.
Reversal energy glitch?!?!?! >=[
Ran into this bug back to back. first game was when i attached a reversal energy onto my shining arcana gardevoir when i was behind on the prize race and it completely froze my turn. I timed out and went to my opponents turn. Next reversal energy bug is weird and it should not have benefited my opponent but it did.…
Waited 20 minutes for a match to time out and it didn't.
Turns out that I got bad-mannered by another player and the game didn't time out their turn. I waited 20 minutes and found out the timer will just flash red at 00:00 a while until you concede. I would have conceded immediately had I known that. Why is this even possible? How do I complain to the right people to get this…
Timeout not working
It's been my opponent's move for 15 minutes and the turn and/or game have not timed out yet.
TCG Live Content Team decided release game out of beta without fixing massive bugs & Quality Issues
So Pokemon TCG Live decided to release the game fully without fixing noticeable CPU/Memory Leak bug from beta that players reported many months or weeks ago as well other in-game bugs that would affect outcome of game which will not post again and again. There also Quality of Life issues for Users that does not match with…
Radiant Greninja dealt 270 damage with Moonlight Shuriken.
I had an Arcanine EX active that had 110 damage on it. My opponent used Moonlight Shuriken and dealt 180 damage to Arcanine EX knocking it out and dealt 90 damage to the Charmander knocking it out. My opponent then got to pull all three of his remaining prize cards and won the match. I’ve not witnessed this bug prior to…
Scarlet & Violet Build & Battle Boxes not showing up in account
As the title implies I redeemed two SVI Build & Battle Boxes and none of cards found in those items were added to my collection, including 2 of the 4 promos included in those items. And yes, I’ve checked their in-set versions and they weren’t there.