Bug Report-cannot exchange this water energy
I had exchanged 4 of these energys a few months ago, but cannot excange this now.
Can't see all my cards?
after migrating my account, i noticed that all the promo versions of my cards have been registered as the "standard" version of the card. example, i have the 2 full art promos of reshiram & cxharizard gx, but in game it shows that i have 4 copies of the standard art version. also, not all my cards made it over. i wanted to…
Astral Radiance Hisuian Sneasler ability bug
The ability states that your active pokemon's retreat cost is 2 [c] less, but it only counts it for the first time you retreat in a turn. If you try to retreat again, during the same turn, the reduced retreat cost will NOT be applied. Very cool. Edit: Alright nevermind I am very stupid and had the misconception that you…
Vespiquen (Paldea Evolved) forced me to shuffle a Combee under another Vespiquen into my deck
I used the "Order a Raid" attack using Vespiquen from Paldea Evolved, and I was forced to shuffle a Combee under a Vespiquen back into the deck, leaving the Vespiquen on the field. My next attack worked correctly as I didn't have any Combee under any other Vespiquen. That first situation was not how the attack should work
Bibarel (BRS) Bug
Bibarel's ability broke the game state, freezing the game upon activation of Bibarel's ability Industrious Incisors. The game became unresponsive when I tried to use the ability.
Nest ball, vip pass visual bug!
It happended to my game that i cant choose pokemon from nest ball and vip pass, the box to pick and see pokemon is to low, i cant click or drag whatsoever. This is the screenshot to make it clear. And the game is still hot for playing even only 1 game
Apex Dragon - Redidrago V Star Attack limited option of attack moves.
During Game play, When Attacking with Redidrago V Star, Apex Dragon on list of orders to copy attacks from Dragon types in the discard pile. It failed in listing all possible discarded Dragons move set not listing Duraludon V Max "G Max Pulverization" attack. Please have all Attack options listed not just a few dragon in…
Arcanine EX bugged
Arcanine EX can take any damage, (no damage counters on it what so ever) and can use the attack raging claws with the tcg live assuming any damage is a damage counter. My grass pokemon were getting hit for super effective damage and instantly knocked out.
TCG Live will not load on PC.
Cannot load TCG live on PC. Tried deleting and re-downloading but still get error code 10010.
Public release delay is probably wise! + some desired features, QOL, and TCGO readditions
I love TCGL so far, as someone who first played TCGO in the Black and White era's open beta, and took a long break from TCGO to focus on studies and the like. The old game was very much in need of a refresh and I welcome TCGL, but I think this game has quite a bit of work to be done to bring it up to par with the old game…