Supporter / item cards and abilities not allowing to select a card

Supporter / item cards and abilities allowing you to draw certain cards from deck show as greyed out and are un-selectable. The filter shows how many cards are valid, but the error still reads ‘no valid cards’. This issue rarely fixes itself during the game. The error occurs about 80% of my matches. The same error does not seem to affect most other players. Running the app on MacOS and iPad. The only difference is that the iPad shows a completely greyed out screen and you have to wait 30 seconds for the play to end so you can make another play.
really love this game and hoping you can assist with my issue so I can play it again!
As far as I know (and can read from other forums), somehow a bug as major as this has persisted for months now. I really hope this can be fixed, because I get hit by this bug in practically every match. It's incredibly frustrating and makes me lose interest really quickly.
I'm running the game on windows, if it helps at all.
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Some have noticed that it seems to be linked to specific cards in the deck: they prevent from fetching card while in the deck.
These cards are usually alternative ones or Secret Rare.
You should try same decks but with 'basic' versions. On my side, it solved the issue.
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Thanks @RomuAlexis - I am using the most basic versions of each card at the moment as the issue still persists.