Mobile game bugs
I was on my turn but i can´t activate abilities and can´t skip the turn. When activate an abilitie sometimes the pokemon card get freezed on my screen. Sometimes I lost my turn without the posibility to make a play. Sometimes on the preparation phase i have more than one basics pokemon on my hand but i can´t choose one,…
Can't craft V-Union Pokemon in Live?
I have all the needed materials, and nothing appears to be wrong but there is no exchange button when I want to craft V-union Pokemon. What should I do?
Reversal Energy freezes game with Temple of Sinoh
When I attach a reversal Energy while Temple of Sinoh is active, the game totally freezes up until my turn clock winds down. Has happened in two separate matches.
Issue with reversal energy and temple of sinnoh
I attempted to play reversal energy on a stage one pokemon and after the game showed it attaching, the game froze up and ended my turn after 10-15 seconds. Then the next turn after evolving the Pokemon that had the energy on it, I no longer see the energy icon. After an iono is used and a deck search happens, I see the…
Screen Looks Odd
Was Looking At Other WIndows And Saw This Had Happened
Cancelling Cologne Broken
Had 3 instances where Cancelling Cologne failed to stop Chien Pao's, Greninja's and Cramorant's abilities, along with the Comfey that switched with Cramorant that turn.
Unable to play after attaching a Reversal Energy while Temple of Sinnoh is in play
Is anyone else unable to play after attaching a Reversal Energy while Temple of Sinnoh is in play? I'm playing a Zorobox list currently, and twice after I have attached a Reversal Energy while Temple of Sinnoh is in play I can't do anything else.
Switch Cart Bug
I can't play the Switch Cart Item when I'm in battle. I've played multiple battles with Switch Cart in my deck and during every turn it won't highlight the card as an option to play. It also won't let me bring the card forward to play it. The rule on the card says that I can play as many Item cards in a turn as I'd like,…
No Card Model Bug, Errors, and Other Bugs.
Yesterday I installed this on my Acer Chromebook Spin, here’s been my experience so far Day 1: Couldn’t get past the login screen. Period. Would crash every time. Day 2: After about twenty crashes, I finally got my online account transferred to live before having it crash again. Crashes happen constantly. I’ve tried 20+…
What's the deal with Galarian Gallery?
This question isn't necessarily limited to TCGL but their implementation of it only raised more questions for me. Going to the Crown Zenith card gallery you can see that none of the cards are there, even if you already have them. In face there is no Galarian Gallery section in the expansion tab, which makes sense since…