Energy glitch
The game wouldn't let me attach psychic energy to my Gardevoir in the active Pokemon spot with my Gardevoir ex's ability. It also evolved that turn, don't know if that's a factor.
Penny freezing mobile game
It appears as though, when Penny is being used by the other player, the game just stops, and doesn’t allow any more actions to be taken. I’ve lost two games in a row where Penny was played by the other player, and it has frozen in that spot. Photo attached of where it freezes. Thanks!
Lucario EX's Aura Sphere broken
I was using Lucario EX Aura Sphere in a match and the secondary effect of adding 50 damage to a benched pokemon didn't work. I placed it on on a Arcanine EX tera twice, which should've been an additional 100 damage on it, but it didn't register and I lost because of it. Please fix.
Ting-Lu breaking game in Expanded
Same Glitch as standard but in a easy way. You can use Scoop up net or Acerola to lock abilities and freeze de opponent game. Similar with spiritomb/ Penny
Spiritomb freezing the game
I've been in 4 games where the game freezes when spiritomb attacks. All they do is get spiritomb out, get something on the bench and attack. After that it's an auto game loss. I'm playing on mobile if that makes a difference.
A dialog box "Collected" keeps showing up after battle.
I collect nothing, so I think this is superfluous, annoys me, and it mocked me that in the last battle, I lost and gain absolutely nothing. 😄
Cannot find ANY of my cards from TCG Online transfer
While I thought I'd read the instructions for porting my collection from TCG Online to TCG Live quite carefully (I even made spreadsheets detailing all of my decks), I cannot find any of my TCG Online cards in my TCG Live collection. Where are they? I know some cards didn't transfer, but I thought pretty much all of mine…
Penny and Empoleon/Klefki/Ting-Lu breaking game
yeah so game is mega bugged, turns out spiritomb wasnt the only problem and the games spaghetti code is the issue, btw can we get a ban on any players using these strats to cheese wins and climb ladder? it actually like breaks the game and actively encourages the use of exploits if people arent punished in any capacity,…
Fix the wekness and forest seal stone
jakazzes fix the fact your forest seal stone doesn't work and while your at it have your weaknesses recalculated as they aren't working sometimes
Energy cant be drag out during retreat selection
Played on ios Was playing gardevoir with 6 psychic energy and 1 reversal energy. Neither energies can be drag out for the retreat