Gardevoir and Oppent Conceeding Bug

I just finished where I had a ralts in the active and my opponent had a Tinkaton-ex with a hand size around 20, with a collapsed stadium in play with a Zacian V and Gardevoir-ex on the bench. While I was putting energy on the Zacian to kill the Tinkaton and win the game, my opponent conceded while I was still in the middle of placing energy and the bench went back to normal while my stadium was still in play. However, I was not booted to the victory screen and was instead stuck in the Gardevoir energy animation and couldn't check my hand or anything else but was still given a victory. I've had similar freezed or slowed game states with Tinkaton-ex decks and was hopping this get's address since I believe the hand size of most tinkaton's ex players are crashing/freezing the game when too many actions are trying to perform at the same time.