Adding Collection Button
You need to go to deck manager to look at your cards. That is really weird and annoying. Please add!!!
Was the removal of the Scarlet and Violet box on the battle pass intended?
I was playing these last few hours hoping to reach at least lvl 40 in the battle pass where previously was a Scarlet and Violet box to win. Now i looked at it and it's no longer there. I tried to look on the patch notes,but saw no mention of it. Was this intended?
Bug with lots of cards in hand
Earlier during a match ran into a bug after using Shadow Rider Calyrex Vmax's ability (attach an energy to a benched pokemon and draw two cards). I had a large number of cards in my hand and my only other energy card became "stuck", half overlapped by a supporter card. Clicking the energy would display it properly but it…
Feature Request: add Collection screen
Users should be able to view and manage their entire Pokemon card collection. That is a true Pokemon experience. Deck Manager is not sufficient and serves a different purpose. The design and behavior of this Collection screen should be simple and doesn't need much functionality. Overtime, it can be enhanced but…
Bug - Radiant Alakazam
When I try move damage counters around on the opponent's Pokemon it doesn't always work. Seems to be when I move 20dmg (2x counters) from their active to a Pokemon on their bench it moves the counters, then it does -20dmg on the benched Pokemon. Meaning the ability has no effect. Any help appreciated 😊
How to solve "No valid cards" bug on PC
I think I've found out the reason behind "no valid cards" bug and how to solve it. If you use a deck searching card (Net Ball, Battle VIP Pass, etc) and see no valid options (even though there are) this is because of bugged cards in the deck. If you have them in the deck when you search it, this bug will occur. If these…
Missing a deckbox?
I recently migrated my account from PTCGO and saw that my deck box and sleeve from the Pikarom tin didnt carry over but the Reshizard box from the ETB did, is there a way to get my Pikarom accessories?
Gardevoir ex not able to attach
During a game against Goodra Lostbox, I played down a Gardevoir ex followed by a Zacian V (psychic type) but when I tried to use Gardevoir ex's ability, I was able to attach it to my 2 Gardevoir and my 2 kirlia, but not able to attach to my Zacian. Also, I was unable to click done using the ability until I attached an…
Missing cards
Tried to import a deck which initially failed. I read some formum post that told me to remove proceeding zeros which worked and allowed the deck to be imported. However he kept saying the deck was valid because I didn't own cards listed in the deck which made no sense. But I can't seem to find these cards in my collection.…
Epileptic Player having difficulties. Are you?
So the more I'm tinkering around in live the more I'm realizing it's triggering my epilepsy with the rapid and constant field changes, color effects, and ironically harmful holo effects, bad animations and very unsmooth transitions. I tried turning on reduced effects mode, but it really hasn't seemed to tone any of that…