[SUGGESTION] Dismantle/Trade Away button

After playing Arena, Master Duel, Hearthstone and Live; I can say without a doubt that live has the worst economy out of the 3 by far. This all comes down to the fact that you cannot dismantle cards you do not want.
Opening packs feels bad because you can't dismantle pulls, Crafting cards feels bad because you can't dismantle them if you don't like them in your list and overall making new lists comes down to spending money on packs or codes to acquire new card and hoping they give you enough credits.
All I am proposing is a button to let us dismantle or trade away cards we don't want, even if it's for normal overpull prices. Even if certain arts or cards can't be dismantled, it'd mean pulling a full or alt art you don't want doesn't feel as bad because you can dismantle it for something you do want. If this does get implemented, please at least let us dismantle pulls and crafted cards