Impossible to search and select a card from deck in PC version
I'm aware that similar issues were discussed elsewhere, but I didn't find a specific bug report. There is a serious issue with selecting the card FROM THE DECK after the play of cards like Adventurer's Discovery (Lost Origin TG23), Gordie (Evolving Skies 149), Artazon (SV02 171), Battle VIP pass (Fusion Strike 225), Ultra…
Infinite Timer Stall Bug
Found an opponent who is (assumedly) using a bug to infinitely stall the timer. They played Smoliv, Boss's Order on a benched Miraidon, Searched an energy with Energy Search and then placed it on Smoliv then, it stayed their turn for the rest of the timer and it is now at 00:00. They has not lost nor at any point did their…
Why won't app let me sign in?
I put in my info and the sign in bar turns grey and won't load. Haven't been able to log in for a week.
Tutorial Bug
My brother went to make an account. But when he first logged in it would not allow him to do the tutorial. He was unable to access the daily pass challenge to battle the professor. Logging in and out and closing the app did not work.
Report Bug Timer
The timer ends and freezes the match. After that, I have to close the game and lose points in ranked mode. Bug exploit by some players.
Endless Timer Bug
I have played about 10 different matches today on the ranked ladder. 4/10 matches I was left with the endless timer bug and forced to Alt+F4 when the timer hit zero and still lost Elo regardless of waiting the timer out. Each time the bug occurred when the opponent was attaching energy via ability or supporter from a Mew…
Victory condition check at end of game
Both players have 1 prize remaining, Dragonite V uses Dragon Gale to ko the opponent's active and one of their own benched Pokemon. Both players are supposed to draw their prize simultaneously and go to sudden death, right? On ptcgl just now this situation came up, but instead the player who attacked with dragonite was…
Where are all of my cards from pokemon tcg?
hello i am a little late to the show as i have been in school and working a lot recently. to keep it short and sweet, i just figured out that i needed to play the live game now instead of tcg. i linked my old account and chose to migrate all my cards yet none of them are there. i got a bag of qr codes and lots of them…
The game will not load???HELP!!
My game will not go past 8/37 on the loading screen. It will just keep reloading. I have had it on for over 24 hrs to see if it would load. I have uninstalled, reinstalled, repaired, updated. I have so many codes to redeem and i cant Plz HELP..
Bug- after playing a match the battle pass becomes unavalible
When I open the app I am able to use the battle pass. But as soon as I play a match it says this feature is unavalible. This can be fixed by quitting the game and re opening it, though as soon as you play another match you are unable to use the battle pass again.