PTCGL Avatar During Match
Anyone else experience a bug in which you see the avatar's back when using an emote?
Why does Toedscruel ex's ability not stop Radiant Greninja when it is an effect of an attack?
In the past Toedscruel ex's ability has worked differently in client and has stopped Radiant Greninja's attack effect, however at the moment it does not prevent this effect from putting damage on pokemon with energy attached to them. Is this a bug or is this somehow working as intended now? because going by the ability…
Minor sound effects bug
Running the game on Android. The sound effects won't start playing during a match until I press the gear/settings button to pull up the audio sliders. After pressing the gear icon the sounds play as intended
Boxed out of selecting cards
Tired of being boxed out when it comes to selecting cards. Be it the Colress experiment or Crushing hammer, literality losing games because I cant select the cards I want.
Crashes during ranked
I’ve had 3 games that have just stopped working during ranked matches iPad mini 6th Gen iOS 17.1.1 PTCGL app V in all 3 cases I have had to concede and lose ladder points. twice I haven’t been able to choose basics at the start of the match. In all cases the countdown timer still starts but I…
TCG Live application crashes after and/or during match start up.
The game tends to crash ether after a few Ranked battle Match or when connected to a match player. After this happens my rank goes down because of it. Any resolution to this crashing problem. Iv uninstalled and even cleared the application cache. Nothing seems to fix this.
Level Ball doesn't work for Tegetic (90 hp mon)
This may be an issue with all mons that have the max possible HP to catch via LB (90), but it shows up as an option to select after you use the LB, but you can't actually click the mon.
Game Breaking Stall Strategy
I have encountered several players whom once it has become obvious that they will lose the match decide to let the gane time run down to zero. Because of this I have been stuck in matches for 24 minutes of absolute no game play. This becomes much worst when you factor in the fact that once the game clock reaches 00:00...…
when claiming rewards for the battle pass daily quests, points are given incorrectly
When claiming the rewards for the daily quests, sometimes when i press both claim rewards in quick succession, the system stalls for a second or two, and most of the times gives the points from both quests for a total of 800 points. However recently I have had two instances where the system ended up only giving me 300…
Why am I sometimes unable to select valid targets?
A few times in the last few days I've been unable to select valid targets when they're presented by the game. Using Town Store Forest Seal Stone was the first tool shown, but I wasn't able to select it (I could take other tools). In another game I played Misfortune Sisters and Switch Cart and Ultra Ball appeared as valid…