Login stay hanging at task 41/41
The problem that I have been having for days trying to enter the system after your last update, I expected that it will be solved today, November 17, 2023 after yesterday's maintenance. Unfortunately it was not solved and when I enter the username and password I see the message 10099 for the first time and from there it…
Loading up the game isn't working.
The loading screen is appearing very thin, won't load past 41/41 and its been like this since before and after the latest update. The developers need to address and fix this before I completely quit the game, as it stands I haven't been able to log on for nearly 2 weeks.
Bug - Squawkabilly doesn't work during Sudden Death
During Sudden Death, on the 1st turn, you cannot use Squawkabilly's ability. I'm guessing the game client doesn't recognize the Sudden Death as a 'new' game, thus causing this issue.
I lost my Wave Slasher Deck cards after transferring from TCGO to TCGLive, how do I get it back?
I can't find my Wave Slasher Deck card, which I had redeemed in TCGO awhile back, in TCGLive. How do I get it back?
Matchmaking bug on apple devices
It’s few and far between but I’m not sure if anyone has experienced the same issue but when play TCG live on apple iPhones, there’s a small percentage of matches that result in a forced loss because the opponent connected, surrendered immediately and right after queueing for the next match, it may pair you with 2 or 3…
Miraidon ex Battle League deck is wrong in PTCGL.
What I said in the title. I bought the physical product, and when using the code in PTCGL, I got 4 Energy Search instead of 4 Boss's Orders. Then I checked the in-game shop, and the same error is there, the deck contains 4 Energy Search when it should have 4 Boss's Orders (Ghetsis). It's not the biggest error, but still,…
Panic mask
This is bugged. Had radiant Greninja with 100 damage on it, switch cart it to the bench healed 30 left it 70 damage. 60 positive health. Switch it back to active. Attack choosing tsareena ex with the as a target and it nullified the damage still but I was 60 health. Mask is bugged ban it
Confusion Status Effect visibilty
I have an issue with how status effects are being represented to digital players on Live. Granted not many people utilize status effects such as sleep, confuse, paralyze; although paralyze does see a moderate amount of play. If the goal of Live is to model playing IRL and bring more players together to play at tournaments…
Cards collection and variants
Hey there, I have a two part requests that may have been suggested before, but thinks is worth mentioning. There should be a way to see the card collection without having to edit a deck. There should be an option to show all variants of cards separately. In relation with cards variants. When importing a deck, the game…
Error10011 Cannot Log In
I cannot seem to log in and keep getting a Error10011 message after the load screen stalls at 10/41.