Toedscruel abilty slime mold colony did not stop pokestop
The new non ex toedscrurel with ability slime mold colony can't stop pokestop effect in ptcgl. I played 3/3 matches with toedscruel on board and pokestop still can be used to retrive item from discard pile
Hello, this is my first post here. I'm hoping that I'm doing this correctly. I found a bug concerning drawing cards when you have no cards in your deck. I was playing a casual game with a friend, I had 2 cards in hand, 0 cards in deck, a basic energy, and a Radiant Greninja on my Bench. I used the ability Concealed Cards,…
Game allows illegal moves/causing freezing
During gameplay, when a player is out of cards, game still allows for the play of level ball, freezing the game and forcing a pass to the opponent. This caused a match loss due to this freeze. Thank you.
game locked up during Gardevoir ex ability
Used Gardevoir ex's ability twice to attach two Psychic to the active, then the game got stuck where I couldn't attach energy, or stop using the ability. The only option I could select is to attack with Gardevoir. I wasn't timing out even though I sat there a while. Once I selected Gardevoir's attack, Gardevoir went…
Card Shuffling
I've been noticing that after the last update the shuffle is bringing three identical cards very often. I would like to know if this is just happening to me or someone else? When shuffling, it often brings three energy, three supporters or three identical Pokémon. Sorry if there are any spelling errors.
Start screen overlay.
I have had this multiple times happening in the past days: I find a match as normal and then the face off screen does not dissappear. However the game carries on, I stell get the popups for the coin flip and first or second. After that I can still interact with the cards in my hand even though I can not see them, until I…
i cant see cards when i use any search card like: Ultra Ball, Level Ball, Fog Crystal, etc.
Everytime i play one match, when i use any search card like ultra ball, fog crystal or any type of ball card, in my deck appears the number of cards valid and all the cards, the thing is that i cant see them at all and i cant select any at all. Im forced to click on done cause i cant select the card that i want and makes…
Fix the rng
The rng system is clearly unbalanced. Normally I would refrain from this, luck is a part of the game, but I've played nearly 5000 games on live and there's some obvious discernible patterns. Every second day I will dead draw/brick and every other day my opponent will. Amount of times radiant greninja is prized (far more…
Cuantos bugs más hay que soportar?
Literalmente perdí una partida porque usé la habilidad de un Comfey, las cartas para escoger eran un Battle VIP Pass y una Nest Ball, en primer turno es lógico que no iba a escoger nest ball, ya que necesitaba hacer banca luego ¿y qué pasó? NO ME DEJÓ ESCOGER EL BATTLE VIP PASS, apareció el tiempo en pantalla, terminaron…
Item lock (from Pikachu V-UNION's Disconnect attack) persists for Sudden Death
Recently, I was playing a match against a deck that includes a Pikachu V-UNION. At the end of the first game, I took all my Prize cards, but had no Pokémon in play, so a Sudden Death game started. During my opponent's last turn of the first game, their Pikachu V-UNION used the Disconnect attack, locking me out of using any…