Cosmetic Prices
The prices for the cosmetics in the game currently feel a little ridiculous and weirdly random, idk why one thing is 100 gems and another is 750. Even then though the moment something has to compete with a battle pass rank it's a tough sell so something like 50 gems for coins, 100 for deck boxes and 150 for sleeves I think…
Ladder Reset Ranking Feedback
Hi there! I don't generally use forums, but I wanted to provide some feedback on the recent PTCG Live updates in the hopes that the devs will find it useful. I'm aware of (and grateful for) the team's plans for improving the ladder. Having an ELO system start at Arceus is a great way for we the players to challenge…
Say something nice about TCG Live
You don’t have to. You can if you want to. It’s got A LOT of issues, but I’m at least thankful it exists so that I can actually play the Pokémon TCG since it’s not possible to do irl.
I understand this update; the practice of obtaining an exaggerated number of Credits through repeate
I understand this update; in the previous updates, the official increased the production of crystals. The excessive Credits obtained from repeatedly purchasing the Charizard ex League Battle Deck led to it, at one point, destroying the entire game's economic system, making all cards in the game easily obtainable. This made…
About avatar cosmetics.
Okay, a bit of a rant. Please no hate. So I recently returned to Live after being away from it since launch, and.…Why? Just why is it so hard for The Pokemon Company to find a company capable of making nice looking avatar clothing? It's severely lacking in feminine clothing. The skirts are ugly as sin. There's no dresses,…
New economy sucks
So, the accessibility of cards was the only advantage live had over tcgo. But with new update credit farming is impossible, and gems are nearly useless. Which means, that you just can't craft anything anymore. The old way to convert gems to credits by buying a lot of Shadow Rider/Charizard ex decks was symptomatic of a…
Wish to swap likes DAILY? I GIVE EVERYBODY A LIKE EVERYDAY.. (well I do admit sometimes I missed a few..) *ONLY THOSE WHO WILL SWAP DAILY OKAY? (I’VE GOT TOO MANY OF MY FRIENDS NOT DOING SO EVERYDAY) 8396908444666299–I’ve only got around 10 spaces left. (But I’ll keep deleting inactive ppl) ALSO LEAVE UR FRIEND CODE UNDER…
Future of the expanded format?
I know it was stated that expanded would not change in 2024, but are there any plans for 2025? It was such a fun community and mode despite turn 1 locks and donk decks. I really hope it comes back (competitively) in some way, whether that be HGSS on or whatever is deemed healthy. Thanks
Do we get not currency for matches anymore?
Coins are gone I know, but we don't even get a meager number of crystals for winning a match? Shouldn't there be incentive to play more matches when you finish the battle pass?
TCG not good anymore
Why is it still called a Trading Card Game, when you no longer trade? What happened to the different decks? What happened to competitiveness? Do the devs plan on bringing the old system back? I reached 600 points pretty quickly and then I lost a match and I noticed it doesn't drop below that stage... Not that I'm…