Things I would love to see added to the UI
I saw another post on here, but I wanted to add my two cents (also, most of the things we want are different). So, here are some things I would love to see added to the client A 'recently added' list of cards in your collection. Heck, I would be happy with a 'card collection'. Having to make a new deck just to see what you…
When will Expanded be fully available on TCG Live?
When can we expect to see the Black & White on be added and playable in PTCG Live? I'm not going to lie, I was a bit disappointed to see that it wasn't available at launch. I've been patiently waiting for expanded to make a come back. There are so many benefits to having expanded around it's not even funny. I think…
Not so random
Boss orders, everyone has this card in there decks. An energy retrievals an cpl other item cards that help you pull from discard pile. 90% of my matches im dealt these cards! I laugh to myself as soon as i see it. I usually have 1 or 2 of these cards in all my decks i build. Out of all the cards, these seem to be the ones…
Stats on Pikachu Ex and Mewdevoir
Out of 50 games in the current event. I faced 24 Mewdevoir decks and 17 Pikachu Ex decks. 82% of all games are one of those two builds, from that sample. can we PLEASE update this meta for sake of variety alone? I don't want to run ONLY counter decks.
More feedback about the new update to ranked
I just sat a 6 minute queue for my opponent to brick and scoop. They were almost 200 elo lower, so it was a waste of time for both of us. Now I'm sitting in another queue while I type this, reflecting about the differences in my gameplay experience from last week to today. Last week I could get on, press play, and get a…
Pokemon TCG live shop troubles
I encountered a problem today. I was surfing through the shop and accidently purchased a set. I did not mean to puchase the set and was just looking for the one i wanted. I would like to request all purchases/exchanges be verrified. ie. "Do you really want to exchange for this item?"
Does Arceus League elo also get reset every season?
Title says all. If so farming for elo seems even more pointless than before..
Please add a queue pop to the game
Got to arceus tier and with the queues taking longer, I'd like to be able to get up and walk away from the computer and hear a queue pop that I can choose to miss if i get busy. Like every other competitive ladder game. Thanks for your consideration
Play vs AI please!!!
Can we please get a AI game mode like the old version ? i just want to chill, everything has to be vs these days.
Anyone else get sad reminiscing over the old platform?
Just scanned in a ton of packs into TCGO, got no enjoyment out of it due to having to open them every 10 scans and without any suspense. Makes me want to go talk to 11 year old me and say "enjoy this while you can". So many features I loved aren't here