Adding people
It would be cool if there was an option to add the players we face in ranked or casual matches. Like an add player button that appears with the battle log or something along those lines.
Roof Strike & Fusion Strike Pokémon
just out of curiosity! Does anyone know why we can’t use these type of Pokemon in our decks? Also some other good ones when I put in decks gives me error! Funny is they exchange your credit for it!
Deck Building feature (cart/checkout system)
I’m new to this forum, so I apologize if this has been discussed before. However, I’d like to suggest a feature that could enhance the deck-building experience: a built-in cart/checkout system. Currently, when browsing the extensive card list and purchasing individual cards, the list often resets to the top after each…
How do I open my redeemed code booster packs
Can't interact with game screen while playing a match
So, I've lost around 5 ranked games in 2 days just because out of nowhere the screen bugs and I can't interact with it… It happened in the smartphone app and in the desktop app. It's so frustrating playing against RNG and the game bugs… is it just me or has anyone experienced it? This is just an example, I clicked in the…
Lost cards
So I just migrated over. Been away in the hospital for awhile and just now was able to. I lost all my old redeemed cards. How come and how do I get them back
How to see in what prestige you're in now?
I have been playing a lot since the migration from PTCGO to PTCGL. I have reached level 100 multiple times, to the point where I can no longer gain any more prestige. Now, I want to know how to check my prestige level so I can report it and complain to the developers. Hopefully, they would remove the prestige cap.
Everything that can be added to ptcgl to improve it
In Pokemon tcg live, it is a good game but I think there are simple things the pokemon company can do to make it a lot better. First of all, I think you guys should re-add trading. This is because it gives players an opportunity to give people cards they don’t want, but someone else wants. This was one of my favorite…
Is Raichu V glitched?
I'm over 300 Brilliant Star Code Cards in and still haven't seen a Raichu V card yet. Is there an issue with this card?
Expanded Format Request + Ideas/Concerns
The Expanded format is a crucial part to the Pokémon TCG. It adds diversity and means that players can discover new strategies by using older cards and generally makes deck building more fun for players. I would like to address some ideas that I would implement into TCGL for the expanded format starting small and working…