Explaining Rotation for beginners
For what I'm seeing in the forum, some people are confused why suddenly a bunch of cards are no longer standard legal. The reason? Set rotations. As you may now, the game has 2 main formats: Standard and Expanded. Expanded allows you to play with every card printed starting from Black and White (or at least it should,…
Terrible Matchmaking
As someone who is new to the game trying to learn, this has to be one of the worst experiences ever. Ive played almost 10 matches and have yet to have 1 game that felt even remotely competitive. Does skill based matchmaking exist in this game? It absolutely doesn’t feel like it. Nothing makes me want to keep playing less…
Does anyone want to battle? Trying to play with people long term
how recovery my digital cards from PTCG online to Live, i buy my new pc :_(
how recovery my digital cards from PTCG online to Live, i buy my new pc :_(
they should put tcg on infinity game table. or android for tablet for multi player one device.
They should make a tcg to play multiplayer with one device. Put it flat and play. Infinity game table has a bunch of board games. Allows for multi player.
First time checking out new tcg live since migration, and what happened? omg..
This is just a shell of itself now.. why cant you save packs? why do they have to be opened right away now? where is the trading? auctions? that was my favorite part and only thing that had constant activity and just got rid of it and no chance to save my old packs just opened them? i mean who honestly thought this was a…
Convinced this is just another rigged TCG
I haven't won a coin flip in the last 10+ games and I am seeing the same one of cards in my opening hand every single game and dead drawing every turn. This was after having had played really good games since I started playing, having some weird occurrences against opponents seemingly just conceding or playing like a bot.…
Connecting with fellow Malaysian
Hi. Any Malaysian playing TCG Live? Can we add each other or discuss a way we can connect socially online? my screen name: FerrucioLambo
No enjoyment!!!
The amount of players running charizard is just ruining this game for me. I get it an bring on the hate an negative comments. But just voicing my opinion. Just so tired of going against this deck. Its so lame. An feels like every time i face this deck the match always plays in favor to it. ALWAYS!! Always 2nd turn rare…