Your third recently used emoji is your answer. Mine is 😞.
The first comment better not be sus.
Which game had you favorite pokedex. I would probably have to go with galar or paldea because they have the most variety.
One of the classics has to be "We're blasting off again!" -Team Rocket
Please say how much you spend in a time period or if you've never spent.
Mine is much. He's funny.
Mine is cynthia is overrated. I mean her design is. Her hair clips look stuipid and her dress is strange.
Let's keep this family friendly. Mine is "Are you an item, cause I wanna pick you up"
This is a competition where the pokemon will fight for number 1 based on who is more popular. The competitors will be Gyaradose-garchomp, slaking-pawmi, and houndour-lechonk
Don't do anything obvious like macargo. But mine would have to be scream tail because it's sooo old.