What's the best pokedex entry.

Don't do anything obvious like macargo.
But mine would have to be scream tail because it's sooo old.
Iron Jugulis’s Scarlet Dex entry. I know it might fall into the obvious category, but it’s that good.
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I think Gardevoir's black hole dex entry can imply a lot of things:
- The "humans" and planet here are strong enough not only for humans to resist heat like Magcargo, but the gravity of a small black hole (a small one is still very powerful), and have survived that enough times to put it in a Pokédex.
- That Pokémon and technology in their world was strong enough to test this without the entire planet disappearing and they documented it in the Pokédex.
- That the Pokédex is full of made up stuff, maybe written by the player, or is mostly speculation and old myths and folktales.
And probably other stuff too. It's kinda interesting thinking about what it could mean.
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Bruxish is pretty forgettable. If not for it being in the (so far) most recent generation, I’d say that one could vanish and not many people would really notice. Maybe by the time Generation 9 or 10 comes around and there’s people who weren’t around for Sun/Moon, this one might be forgotten enough that it could be “poofed” out of the Pokédex without many people noticing.
One of the obscure non-evolving Pokémon from the 4th or 5th generations is probably the most likely possibility — Maractus or Basculin, perhaps. I’d say Druddigon too but the fact that it’s Dragon-type means it probably has some rabid fans who’d notice its absence immediately. Carnivine maybe? Baby Pokémon are another possibility, though not the well-known ones like Pichu… I imagine Chingling is probably the most easily missed since it hasn’t ever really been given much of a spotlight (unlike Munchlax, Bonsly, Happiny, etc.) and it’s one of those dumb “need incense to breed it” things.