What is the best Pokemon Duo?
What would you say is the best duo team in Pokemon Unite? State first which duo you think would win Rules: Only 2 Pokemon. Can't add 3rd or based off others on team. Can't be same pokemon twice (this includes like Mewtwo X&Y) These 2 duo would beat any other duo they went against. Interested what you guys think? Some…
I made an account before I was 18. I still have child restrictions.
Hey. I started playing Pokemon Unite during season 5 (2021). I made my Nintendo account so I could play this game. I only noticed after I turned 18 that I could not access voice chat and also have a monthly spending limit even though I am no longer a minor. I looked it up, and there isn't a lot of help around this issue. I…
Looking for Arcanine-EX and Moltress-EX
hi, i need Arcanine-EX (A1 041) and Moltress-EX (A1 047) I have the following cards : 1 Starmine-EX (A1 076), 1 Pikachu-EX (A1 096), 1 Zapdos-EX (A1 104), 2 Gengar-EX (A1 123), 1 Mewtwo-EX (A1 129), 1 Wigglytuff (A1 195), 1 Pidgeot-EX (A1a 059),2 Lickilicky (A2 125) My ID : 4007259256589420
Deck invalid due to selected energy
With the new Dawn supporter card allowing you to move energy between Pokemon, I wanted to try a Dragonite and Magneton deck. The idea being I could use Magneton's 'Volt Charge' ability to generate Lightning energy which could be moved onto Dragonite. Being a long-time Dragonite player, I have lost a handful of games…
Need Genetic Apex Cards! Can send all sorts your way!
Hi there everyone! I’m on the hunt for (luckily) very few cards to finish off the Genetic Apex set, so if anybody has a copy of the following to spare, that would be appreciated: Blastoise n.55 (three-diamonds) Greninja n.89 (three-diamonds) Gengar EX n.123 (four-diamonds) I have all sorts of equal value cards to send…
Poke pocket trade
Hello guys here I am to trade some pokémon I need to complete the first espansion. I need Gengar ex and Blastoise ex and giovanni( yes the normal card 😅) I can offer Marowak ex Machamp ex Mewtwo ex Exxeggutor ex and Zapdos ex. For Giovanni all the trainers or whatelse you need same rarity. Thank you! Code is…
Wonderpicks showing up as expired
Hi, I recently found a wonderpick that was expired, without having seen it previously and I had been actively checking through all of my picks and somehow I seemed to have missed it? It was within the span of 30 minutes or so which I checked, so there was no way that it had expired before I would've seen it. It was a very…
Suggestion: Add fossil support.
Game needs fossil support! Playing any deck with a fossil pokemon is a losing gamble since there's currently no way to search for your fossil. There is a way to search for basic Pokemon, but fossils are excluded from that category making it exponentially more difficult to find them in every battle.
trades: Moltres Ex
I need Moltres Ex I can trade Exeggutor Ex, Venusaur Ex, Arcanine Ex, Starmie Ex, Mewtwo Ex, Celebi Ex, Mew EX, Gyrados Ex. My name is Tortoro and my ID is 3788927082012275
Is a ranked/ladder system being worked on atm?
This game really needs a ranked system and these events don't cut it in my personal opinion.