Link For TCGP Trading - MUCH EASIER
This site lets you list all the cards your looking for SO MUCH BETTER AND EASIER than all these forum posts. The more people that use it, the better the trading system will be!
Need Charazard EX
Willing to trade: Mowark EX, Wigglytuff EX, Gengar EX, Venasuar EX I am looking for the English version of the card please. Thank you! Friend id: 9428727602278263
Does anyone think my idea for a ranked team is good? By the way no legends
Ok so my team Idea is Metagross, Amoonguss, Rillaboom, Incineroar, Hitmontop and Azumarill Any thoughts?
What happened?
Where are my Mew Ex Versatiles? My Mega Mewtwo EXs? Are they holding them for something else? What happened to the trade market? Why can't I purchase packs via points I get for returning codes? In short, WHAT HAPPENED TO PTCGO!?
FT: Pikachu EX
hey there! Need several different EX including Starmie, Gyarados, Exeggutor and Gengar :) Message me and add me if you wish: 7090580708222743
Event's Electivire doesn't work with Volkner
For some reason when i have an Event's Electivire i can't use Volkner, only works with regular Electivire.
Which Legendary or Mythic Pokémon fascinates you with its design
Need Magneton
willing to make a deal
I will give you a Mewtwo EX or a Dragonite full art. My friend ID: 3143907434191106
Pikachu ex 028/131 (not the one you're thinking) acts as a Tera Pokemon ex
You can use Pikachu ex 028/131 as a Tera pokemon for abilities like Jewel Seeker. Thankfully not that broken since it sucks anyways.