HI GUYS! I'M LOOKING FOR CARDS 1⭐ NEED: Dedenne, Bulbasaur, Rapidash, Nidoqueen, Dragonite, Ditto, Snorlax CAN GIVE: Charmander, Alakazam, Exeggutor, Salandit, Gloom, Squirtle, Electrode, Diglett, Golbat, Marshadow.
Loading Pokemon TCG live not working
Hi, i`ve tried to get into the game because with the update you i didn`t play it for i think last 2 days and the "loading data from server" is loading for lets say 1 minute, then … its showing me this message —> "There was an issue loading Pokemon TCG live. Please try again - ERROR: 10011" . I`ve tried many times still not…
Servers and shop are down?
On Android, the app is often failing to connect to the servers on step 13. When you do get in, the shop isn't showing anything available, and you can't exchange for cards in the deck builder. Also when trying to find a (standard, ranked) match, it doesn't seem to be able to find any opponents. Hopefully this means they are…
What is the best way to affect my Pokémon with a special condition?
What is the best card to use if I want to affect my Pokémon with a special condition?
I didn’t like the announcement made inside the Pokémon TCG Live game, where we will have to wait 6 months to be able to craft a new Ultra Rare card or higher. I found it disrespectful to players who have been playing for a long time and were able to create any card in the game. You say it’s to balance the player…
Looking for unite squad ..
Hi! about me: I play at least 3 times a day, based in North America and speak English. I can have my mic on for communication and strategy… I make master each season and like to be competitive but still enjoy the game! Anyways I appreciate any invited or questions!
How do I change my icon?
How do you change or get new icons on this forum?
Is Gengar Cool?
Is Gengar Cool? Vote Below…
Can't find matches
I am not being able to find any matches, ranked or casual! What is going on? This is the one thing this game should do…
Scambio carte promo
Buongiorno, è possibile in qualche modo recuperare vecchie carte promo? O per lo meno poterle scambiare.