Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
Can offer you the Vaporeon (MI) for the Pidgeot.
Add me 0267492405278405
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Hi! I need (47) Moltres, (122) Gengar or (210) Aerodactyl, all three stars from Genetic Appex.
I have (03) Venusaur, (20) Victreebel, (40) Arcanine, (61) Poliwrath, (78) Gyarados, (95) Raichu, (98) Magneton, (103) Zapdos, (117) Alakazam, (128) Mewto, (132) Gardevoir, (175) Muk, (182) Melmetal, (203) Kangaskhan.
Trainer ID: 6162-8052-5557-2778
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Hey everyone! I’m looking for:
Machamp Ex (Regular/ 4 Diamond)
Articuno Ex (Regular/ 4 Diamond)
Have quite a few other Ex available to trade in return inc. Venasaur, Charizard, Blastoise, Marowak, Mewtwo, Wigglytuff, Mew, Pachirisu, Gallade.
Friend ID: 3915632252119277