Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
Hi, I'm looking for:
3 diamonds: Darkrai
Can offer: Vileplume, Moltres, Exeggutor (GA), Alakazam, Serperior, Volcarona, Vaporeon (MI), Golem (MI), Marshadow, Cresselia
Also looking for 2 diamonds: Luxio, LT. Surge, Piloswine
1 diamond: Geodude (GA), Kirlia (STS)
Can offer: List too long to post here, let me know what you want for the 1 and 2 diamonds.
Friend ID is 0283882004957938
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Can trade my Darkrai for your Glaceon. Just sent you a friend request.
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@Rebdragon123 sorry I already traded for an articuno. Is there another card you need?