Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
Hello, new player here, like to trade.
My friend ID:
8560-9914-0299-2888I look for:
(Genetic Apex) A1 ◆:
StaryuI can trade for:
(Genetic Apex) A1 ◆: Oddish,Bellsprout,Cottone,Petilil,Gogoat,Vulpix,Heatmor,Psyduck,Helioptile,Heliolisk,Slowpoke,Swoobat,Golett,Machop,Hitmochan,Mawile,Rattata,Raticate,Farfetch´d,Doduo,Minccino,Woolo,Dubwool
please let me know0 -
have added you and sent Charizard!
1 -
Hi! I need (122) Gengar three stars from Genetic Appex.
I have (03) Venusaur, (20) Victreebel, (40) Arcanine, (61) Poliwrath, (78) Gyarados, (95) Raichu, (98) Magneton, (103) Zapdos, (128) Mewto, (132) Gardevoir, (175) Muk, (182) Melmetal, (203) Kangaskhan.
Trainer ID: 6162-8052-5557-2778
0 -
1Star: Shinx, Shaymin, Gastrodon, Manaphy, Heatran
FT:1Star: Regigigas,Bulbasaur,Gyarados,Electrode,Slowpoke,Cubone, Nidoqueen, Nidoking,Golbat, Pidgeot, Meowth, Ditto,Porygon,Exeggcutor Serperior, Salandit,
Vaporeon, Dedenne,Marshadow
FC is 9763954647623302 (Trakaclip)0 -
LF (to complete the basic collection of triumphant light):
Froslass, Raichu, Rotom, Garchomp ex, Giratina, Arceus ex
FC: 9443165391354806
0 -
LF: ♦️ Wigglytuff (Genetic Apex)
FT: Any other ♦️ card.
Friend ID is 5796249995068382, username John.0 -
searching for:
3 diamonds: Charizard (x3), Shaymin (A2 022), Magmortar, Lucario,
1 star: Pidgeot, Shaymin
(still need but less worried about these 1 stars) Combee, Spiritomb, Bidoof, Regigigas
3 diamonds: Venusaur, Exeggutor, Arcanine, Flareon, Mewtwo, Melmetal, Kabutops, Hypno, Gengar, Articuno, Lapras, Raichu, Nidoqueen, Dragonite, Ditto, Aerodactyl, Mew, Tauros
1 star: Cubone, Alakazam, Pinsir, Exeggutor
my friend code is 8603193846447239 just lmk what you want to trade for :3