Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
cool sounds good !
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@Shanaal i will send to you request my my trade is done! For Rhydon GA right?
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Updated Trade List - Friend ID: 4232-9043-8133-1525
2-diamond (prioritizing deck builds and missing pieces for Mew Secret Mission)
- Venomoth (A1 017/226) ← MSM
- Tentacruel (A1 063/226) ← MSM
- Onix (A1 150/226) ← MSM
- Marowak (A1 152/226) ← MSM
- Nidorina (A1 167/226) ← MSM
- Dragonair (A1 184/226) ← deck build
- Erika (A1 219/226) ← deck build
I have bottomless 2-star cards to trade for these. DM/Reply with what you're looking for.
3-diamond (prioritizing deck builds and missing pieces for Mew Secret Mission)
- Venusaur (A1 003/226) ← have ex
- Victreebel (A1 020/226) ← priority - deck build
- Lapras (A1 079/226) ← have full art
- Omastar (A1 082/226) ← MSM
- Jolteon (A1 102/226) ← MSM
- Zapdos (A1 103/226) ← MSM
- Hypno (A1 125/226) ← MSM
- Machamp (A1 145/226) ← have full art ex
- Golem (A1 149/226) ← MSM
- Nidoqueen (A1 168/226) ← have full art
- Weezing (A1 177/226) ← have full art
- Pidgeot (A1 188/226) ← MSM
- Aerodactyl (A1 210/226) ← MSM
- Snorlax (A1 211/226) ← have full art
- Marshadow (A1a 047/068) ← deck build
For trade: Magmortar (A2 024/155), Bastiodon (A2 114/155), Garchomp (A2 123/155), Regigigas (A2 143/155). Willing to trade others for deck build needs. DM/Reply with what you're looking for.
4-diamond (prioritizing deck builds and missing pieces for Mew Secret Mission)
- Charizard ex (A1 036/226) ← have 3-diamond
- Blastoise ex (A1 056/226) ← have 3-diamond
- Articuno ex (A1 084/226) ← have 3-diamond
- Pikachu ex (A1 096/226) ← have 1-diamond
- Zapdos ex (A1 104/226) ← MSM
- Marowak ex (A1 153/226) ← MSM
- Yanmega ex (A2 007/155) ← deck build
- Pachirisu ex (A2 061/155) ← deck build
- Gallade ex (A2 095/155) ← deck build
For trade: Weavile ex (A2 099/155), Infernape ex (A2 029/155), Mismagius ex (A2 067/155). Willing to trade others for deck build needs. DM/Reply with what you're looking for.
1-star (prioritizing deck builds and missing pieces for Mew Secret Mission)
- Weezing (A1 243/226) ← priority - deck build
- Exeggutor (A1a 069/068)
- Serperior (A1a 070/068) ← priority - deck build
- Marshadow (A1a 074/068) ← priority - deck build
- Shaymin (A2 159/155) ← priority - deck build
- Manaphy (A2 162/155) ← priority - deck build
- Giratina (A2 167/155) ← priority - deck build
- Lucario (A2 170/155)
- Bidoof (A2 177/155)
For trade: Glameow (A2 178/155). Willing to trade others for deck build needs. DM/Reply with what you're looking for.
2-star (prioritizing deck builds and missing pieces for Mew Secret Mission)
- Erika (A1 266/226) ← priority - deck build
- Misty (A1 267/226) ← priority - deck build
- Koga (A1 269/226) ← priority - deck build
- Giovanni (A1 270/226) ← priority - deck build
- Sabrina (A1 272/226) ← priority - deck build
- Gengar ex "rainbow" (A1 277/226) ← priority - deck build
- Leaf (A1a 082/068) ← priority - deck build
- Cyrus (A2 190/155) ← priority - deck build
- Cynthia (A2 192/155)
- Dawn (A2 194/155)
- Mars (A2 195/155)
- Mismagius ex "rainbow" (A2 199/155) ← priority - deck build
- Darkrai ex "rainbow" (A2 202/155)
For Trade: Starmie ex (A1 257/226), Gengar ex "foil" (A1 261/226), Mismagius ex "foil" (A2 184/155), Weavile ex "rainbow" (A2 201/155). Willing to trade others for deck build needs. DM/Reply with what you're looking for.
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I'm interested in your 1-star full art Marshadow. What 1-stars are you looking for?
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I can get you 1-star Spiritomb for 1-star Marshadow.
Friend code: 4232-9043-8133-1525.0 -
Oh okay makes sense on canceling trade! you cant barter which is weird haha.
no dice on richu or arcanine sorry.
togekis mespirit are the two ST i could get u. Sent the togekis. Can we do mespirit for Riachu MI after?
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Looking for:
◇◇◇ Hypno (#125)
Can trade:
GA: Venusaur, Butterfree, Vileplume, Victrebell, Flareon, Moltres, Poliwrath, Gyarados, Vaporeon, Articuno, Eelektross, Alakazam, Gardevoir, Kabutops, Nidoqueen, Muk, Melmetal, Dragonite, Kangaskhan, Ditto, Aerodactyl
MI: Serperior, Vaporeon, Raichu, Mew, Golem, Tauros
STS: Mesprit, Heatran, Regigigas
ID: 6952110387564887 Name: max_boss
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I can do that! Sent a friend request 👌
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I'm looking for 2 Blastoise EX and a Misty
I can trade:
Marowak EX
Gengar EX
Gyrados EX
Pachirisu EX
Venusaur EX
Articuno EX
Mewtwo EX
Machamp EX
Wigglytuff EX
Aerodactyl EX
Mismagius EX
Gallade EX
Darkrai EX
Leafeon EX2-Star
Aerodactyl EX (Gold and Fancy art)
Yanmega EX
probopass EXFC: 0552-2341-8768-2164
Username: Baseball0 -
I am looking for:
2x Cranidos
2x Dialga
Friend ID: 0478-5733-1004-2591
Message me what you need.0