Can trade charizard EX for moltres Ex, what's your ID?
@JamJamMarsh not sure you have any energy to trade. Well it's not letting me
sorry i had offers off for some reason. its on now
Thanks for the trades for 3 diamonds. What else did you need?
For the hippowdon? And any other 3 diamonds like torterra, electivire, and magmortar?
hippo for magmortar?
Sorry. I misworded that. I'm looking for those. And I don't think u can trade those since hippo is 2 diamond
ah i do not sorry! i can trade you a 2 star hippo if you need that. i have many i need still
wartorle, dugtrio
Hey, add my ID 9368394451417930
Hey, I could use a lucario and heatran. What do you need?