Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
oh, bet dude, sorry I sent wrong one earlier! will do right now
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Exeguttor EX
Blastoise EX
Marowak EX
Wiglytuff EX
Darkrai EX
Gyarados EX
Gallade EX
Yanmega EX
Infernape EX
(Also Sudowoodoo and Rampardos)
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i can get you weezing if you got 3 diamond: shaymin, empoleon, mamoswine, heatran.
Player id: 64675597431020710 -
I should be able to give you a Yanmega ex for something if you don't have one yet
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- Garchomp ex (4 diamond)
- Yanmega ex (4 diamond)
- Dialga set Heatran
- Lucario
- Electivire (non promo)
Can offer: all ex are 4 diamond)
- Charizard ex
- Blastoise ex
- Pikachu ex
- Zapdos ex
- machamp ex
- marowak ex
- probopass ex
- Leafeon ex
- lickilickey ex
- Arceus ex
- Mew ex
- Aerodactyl ex
- Mewtwo ex
friend ID:
89647695504974830 -
i want yanmega EX!
need any from below?
For trade 4 star ex: palkia, blastoise, zapdos, machamp, marowak, pikachu, mewtwo, arcanine, and more
add me :)Player id: 6467559743102071
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Need (from genetic)
beedrill 3 diamond
vaporeon 3 diamond
nidoqueen 3 diamondcan trade
T3-4 - venusaur, butterfree, blastoise, pollywrath, gengar, machamp,mux, ditto, snorlax, exeggutor ex, marawak exID is 8716-0098-1996-9528
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added you. if you still need ven ex for ur articuno.
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I don't but I'm looking for 3 star beedrill, vaporeon, and nidoqueen if you can help with any of those, I can maybe swing one of my doubles, just let me know what you need. I don't have any spare Articuno EX's
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Trade request received! will wait for a list of posible 3 diamonds you need from either genetic apex or mythical island! I'm excited! I can complete genetic apex now!