Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
So Palkia EX maybe?
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I don't have any of those for trade I'm afraid
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Hey i got that, you have tyranitar? 1205648776835781
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4 diamond Venusaur Ex and Exeggucator EX
Have various 4 diamond Ft:
Arcanine ex
Blastoise ex
Mewtwo ex
Zapdos ex
Palkia Ex
Licklicky Ex
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Accepted it
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4D: Dialga ex, Mismagius ex, licklicky ex
1Star: Tangrowth, Shinx, Shaymin, Gastrodon, Manaphy,Giratina,
Rhyperior, Hippopotas, Heatran, Staraptor
4D: charizard ex, moltres ex,articuno ex, zapdos ex,mewtwo ex
1Star: Regigigas,Bulbasaur,Charmander,Squirtle,Gyarados,Electrode,
Slowpoke,Cubone, Nidoqueen, Nidoking,Golbat, Pidgeot, Meowth, Ditto,Porygon, Serperior, Salandit,
Vaporeon, Dedenne,Marshadow
FC is 9763954647623302 (Trakaclip)0 -
LF Pidgeot (GA) 3 <>. If you have an extra, let me know what you would be willing to exchange it for. Thank you.
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Do you have GA magneton
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sure i have an extra mew ex for you just send trade and i’ll accept ^^
My ID is on previous post.