Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
I have Gloom FA!
Do you have ••• Gengar, Hypno or ••• Nidoking?
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Do you have ••• Gengar, Hypno and ••• Nidoking?
I have Pinsir FA0 -
In desperate need of a Magneton, Vileplum and Eelektrik from the Genetic Apex set.
Other cards that I need include:
Arcanine, Charizard, Starmie Ex, Gardevoir and Nidoking
I may have a card that you need just let me know
My ID: 8691538678601738
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I can trade electrik of genetic apex for graveler
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I have Gloom FA!
Do you have ••• Gengar, Hypno or ••• Nidoking?
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Request Sent
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I can trade Pinsir FA and Garchomp FA
I would like trade them for 2 Darkarais EX
Any idea how could be trade star cards for diamond cards?
ID: 7812304663427450
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I can provide you Starmie EX
Can you trade Darkari EX?
ID: 7812304663427450
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I am in need of a genetic apex magneton will trade a lot just ask
ID: 2244681390134525