Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
I don’t mind a second Glaceon, but I need energy to recover. Would it be okay to wait until I got 1 energy back?
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I have it. Do you have Pidgeot?
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Sure I got 1 for you if send an fl request ign Farm4Glory
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My Code 0256897053921710
Genetic Apex: I have to trade. 1 Arcanine EX, 2 Starmie EX, 1 Gengar EX, 2 Mewtwo EX, 1 Marowak EX, 1 Wigglytuff EX, 1 Gyarados FA, 1 Squirtle FA, 1 Alakazam FA, 1 Nidoqueen FA, 1 Dragonite FA, 2 Porygon FA.
Mythical Island: I have to trade 2 Celebi EX, 1 Aerodactyl EX, 2 Pidgeot EX, 2 Dedenne FA, 3 Exeggutor FA, 2 Vaporeon FA, 1 Salandit FA.
Spacetime Spackdown: I have to trade: 1 Yanmega EX, 1 Gallade EX, 1 Infernape EX, 2 Darkrai EX, 1 Hippopotas FA, 2 Bidoof FA, 1 Glameow FA, 2 Lickililly FA, 1 Combee FA, 1 Cresselia FA, 3 Mamoswine FA, 1 Rhyperior FA.
I'll trade anything but I do need Pinsir FA, , Gloom FA, Tangrowth FA, Drifloon FA, Lucario FA & Garchomp FA.
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Requesting ••• Gengar, Hypno and ••• Nidoking
I have literally every other mon in the Genetic Apex and Mythical Island expansions and am willing to trade except for a handle of rarer ones I only have 1 off
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Friend ID: 0769823818366233
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I have a Laptad if you want to trade for a Hypno! Friend ID: 0769823818366233