Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
I really wish that I could. I only have one copy of Darkrai, unfortune cookie
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I have Hypno. Do you have GA Pidgeot?
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I can provide you Garchomp FA and Pinisr FA
Could you trade it for 2 Darkrai EX?
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I only have one of those, sorry :(
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I have Magneton, Elektrik, Arcanine and Charizard
Do you have Do you have ••• Gengar, Hypno or ••• Nidoking?0 -
I have plenty of GA Magnenton!
Requesting ••• Gengar, Hypno and ••• Nidoking
Friend ID: 0769823818366233
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Looking to trade some 2 diamonds
Have: Team Galactic Grunt, Lum Berry, Rocky Helmet, Giant Cape
Looking for: Leaf, Pokemon Communication, Misty, Cyrus