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Do you think TCG Live sucks compared to TCG online? Be HONEST.



  • trudiehorse
    trudiehorse Member Posts: 3
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  • Trexmortis
    Trexmortis Member Posts: 2
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    Well, I first hated it, then I tried it on my MacBook, and I tried it on my iPhone, and I gotta say it’s much more polished visually. I’ve had a lot of fun with it so far.

  • Resilient30
    Resilient30 Member Posts: 258 ✭✭✭
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    Gameplay, TCGO is waaaaaay better. I can barely play TCGL on my computer, anytime someone puts down dark type, it runs so slow it skips my turns, making it unplayable. On tablet it shuts down the app almost after every round, so I have to wait like 3 minutes for the app to restart.

    Deck building though, TCGL is much better. They give you a bunch of packs (small ones, yes,) and decks and if you play a good bit, you can get specific cards with token things.

  • KingPenguin333
    KingPenguin333 Member Posts: 12
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    The only thing I don't like is expanded doesn't go as far bak as it did on PTCGO

  • GnarPea
    GnarPea Member Posts: 1
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    edited February 2023 #20

    maybe i didn’t lose my cards after all 😂