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There is definitely something wrong with the shuffling and drawing mechanic...



  • Sarutaru
    Sarutaru Member Posts: 27
    10 Comments 5 Likes 5 Agrees First Answer

    @techhog Says the guy who is commenting on this post to exclusively complain about complaining. Thank you Boss: your complaint has been registered.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    I just don't believe you. If what you were saying were true, it would have been exposed months ago. You're the first person I've seen make these complaints. You're just bad at keeping track of your actions.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    @Sarutaru I need to apologize. You're right, it's not a deck. I just remembered that there was an overflow glitch at launch where the deck drew cards even when empty. I'm sorry.

  • Fr33Guy
    Fr33Guy Member Posts: 23
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    are we there yet?

  • rgilbert90
    rgilbert90 Member Posts: 4
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Comment

    It's a little anecdotal, at best, but I want to chime in here.

    I just played 5 games in a row where my one-and-only basic pokémon in my starting hand was Crobat V. After 3, I got frustrated. After 5 I closed the game completely.

    Let me explain, I have 10 basic Pokémon. It isn't much but it is there. Of those 10, only 2 are Crobat V. To pull Crobat V, and only Crobat V, in the first 7 cards five times in a row has astronomically low odds (obv not impossible).

    Being an engineer with a background in software, I decided to do my own analysis.

    I built a deck of 60 cards. 2 were "c" to indicate Crobat, 8 were "b" (basic) and 50 were "t" (trainer).

    I then shuffled the deck using a pseudorandom number shuffle algorithm.

    I then ran that shuffle algorithm 20000 times. Of those 20000 times, only 1600 times did "c" show up in the first 7 cards. That is ~8% chance of pulling Crobat V as the only basic pokémon. To hit the 8% chance five times in a row is a 0.004% chance.

    To put that in perspective, you have a 0.006% chance of being struck by lightning.

  • Edurandomnumber
    Edurandomnumber Member Posts: 331 ✭✭✭
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    @rgilbert90 how many of those 20000 hands were only T cards? because mulligans are a thing, and that increases your chance of opening specific basics if you run a low count of basics that are not the pokemon you don't want to open.

  • Edurandomnumber
    Edurandomnumber Member Posts: 331 ✭✭✭
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    @rgilbert90 i added mulligans to your algoritm. The chances of opening crobat in an individual game with 2 crobats and 8 other basics is ~10.8%

  • Edurandomnumber
    Edurandomnumber Member Posts: 331 ✭✭✭
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    @rgilbert90 update, i did the equation again, this time from 0 instead of using your approximation as a base, and the chances of crobat V being your only basic with the conditions you mentioned before went up to 12.14%

  • rgilbert90
    rgilbert90 Member Posts: 4
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Comment


    Depending on your shuffling algorithm, Crobat V can appear between 8-12% of the time as your only basic Pokémon. This is true.

    But I am specifically mentioning that it happened 5 games in a row, albeit with a mulligan or two in between.

    After accounting for mulligans, I also did notice an increase to about 10-11% so your 12 isn't too far off.

    But out of 20,000 runs, not once did it ever hit 5 in a row where an individual Crobat V was my only basic pokémon--admittedly, the counter reset on a mulligan.

    I did hit 4 in a row so if there was a mulligan and then a Crobat V again, that would have technically been 5 in a row one time in 20,000 runs which would have been a 1/20000 chance of happening. Which is that 0.005% so it would have checked out.

  • Edurandomnumber
    Edurandomnumber Member Posts: 331 ✭✭✭
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    @rgilbert90 oh, i found my mistake, you are correct is about 10-11%

    the equation is simple:

    (chance of having crobat in your opening hand) * (chance of the other 6 cards not being basics)/(chance of opening a basic)

    chances being in decimals, not in percentages, and it only works with basics, any other type of card requires a more complex equation.

    0.22146*0.3997/0.74138 = 0.1014729 or 10.14729%

    for that to happen 5 times is 0.001075% or 1/93023.2558